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Ethics commission advances investigation of Kentucky House Rep. Grossberg

The Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission has voted unanimously to continue its investigation into Louisville Rep. Daniel Grossberg.

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Rep. Daniel Grossberg (LRC photo)

The Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission voted unanimously Tuesday that a complaint alleging misconduct by state House Rep. Daniel Grossberg merits further inquiry.

Though the commission members did not mention Grossberg’s name before the vote, they did label the complaint as 24-LEC-03, which is the same number as a copy of the original complaint obtained by Kentucky Public Radio.


Grossberg’s attorney Anna Whites gave the media a five-page response to the allegations in the complaint on Aug. 16, calling them “baseless” and urging the ethics commission to “strongly reject this improper misuse of the ethics complaint system” and dismiss the complaint.

“While Rep. Grossberg has apologized for any communication a third party found upsetting, no communications included in the Complaint are of a sexual or inappropriate nature,” Whites wrote. “No ethical misconduct has occurred and Rep. Grossberg has not breached the legislative code of ethics or other statutes or regulations governing his conduct.”


Whites blamed the decision to remove him on “internal power struggles” within the Democratic caucus, saying that the full context of the text messages in the original Herald Leader story show there was nothing inappropriate or rising to the level of sexual harassment.

Read the rest at Louisville Public Media.

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