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Second complaint against Rep. Daniel Grossberg advanced by Kentucky ethics commission

Ethics complaints are confidential until a final ruling by the commission, so who filed the second complaint is unknown.

1 min read

The Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission voted Tuesday to investigate a second complaint made against Rep. Daniel Grossberg, consolidating it with an earlier complaint filed in July 2024.

While Grossberg's name was not mentioned during the commission's public meeting, members labeled the new complaint as 24-LEC-06, which The Courier Journal confirmed pertains to allegations involving Grossberg. The commission voted 8-0 to combine the complaints.

The initial complaint was brought forward by former House Democratic leaders Rachel Roberts, Cherlynn Stevenson and Derrick Graham, who accused the Louisville lawmaker of committing multiple violations of their code of ethics, including behaving inappropriately toward women and crossing ethical boundaries when buying a car from a Louisville businessman.


Grossberg and his attorney Anna Whites have repeatedly denied allegations made against the representative. Whites also confirmed she responded to the second ethics complaint on Grossberg's behalf.

Read the rest at the Courier-Journal.

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