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Trump isn’t going anywhere for a long, long time

He’s like a bad — really bad — penny.

3 min read

I have some bad news: Donald J. Trump isn’t going anywhere.

Yes, despite the polling, the likelihood is that Trump will lose next month. And with Madame President Kamala Harris safely in the White House, the federal trials for trying to steal the 2020 election through fake electors, siccing a mob on the U.S. Capitol, and stealing classified documents will all commence. Eventually, Trump is likely to end up in prison, even if it is just the Club Fed.

None of that matters.

Anyone else who lost an election (again!) and was facing time in prison would slink quietly away in shame. But, if we’ve learned anything, Trump doesn’t have the capacity for shame. If anything, he’s going to turn the volume up to 11 on his bitter recriminations against the witnesses in his case, the judges and prosecutors who sought justice for Americans, and against the members of the media who truthfully report what’s been happening. And he will — as he always does — turn it to his financial advantage.

The World’s Biggest Grifter will never stop fleecing the World’s Most Gullible Marks — especially when he’s going to need money more than ever. Truth Social is headed for bankruptcy. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have already turned their backs on him. If Melania gets a better offer, it could be that she’ll divorce him, cash in her pre-nup, and remarry. Will neglected Tiffany stick around? Have you seen her anywhere? That leaves Junior and the Dumb One, so good luck with that. He’ll need cash from his cult.

So prepare yourself to see ever-more bizarre offerings: more ridiculous NFTs, Trump statuettes, Trump candy, Trump chocolates, Trump diabetic chocolates (for his many old and/or overweight cult members), Trump suits (perfect for cosplay!), more Trump hats with other sayings, Trump shirts, Trump glassware, Trump mugs, more Trump coffee table books, more Trump sneakers, Trump soda, Trump blankets, Trump underwear — whatever will sell.

Trump’s not going to go away. His ugly mug will be on items everywhere.

And believe it or not, some of our fellow citizens will continue to buy his stuff.

So get used to it, folks. We won’t be done with Trump for a long, long time.


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Ivonne Rovira

Ivonne is the research director for Save Our Schools Kentucky. She previously worked for The Miami Herald, the Miami News, and The Associated Press. (Read the rest on the Contributors page.)


