This Activism Event Calendar is provided free of charge to all, so that activists and other concerned persons can find ways to take action and make a difference.
Even though it is free, it takes a goodly amount of time to maintain, so if you find it valuable, please either become a paying member or drop something in the Tip Jar. Thanks!
- The icon at the upper right makes the calendar full-screen on desktop, which is very helpful.
- You can submit your own events using the Submit button. I’ll review them before posting. (And please do submit events. I can’t keep this current on my own.)
- You can change calendar views using the dropdown. You can change the start date for the view using the date arrows at the top.
- The Search box searches two things: titles and tags. (Not full text.) To search only tags, put a hash # in front of the tag.
- We use tags for three things: what county the event is in, what type of event it is, and who is sponsoring it. For county, use the county name plus Co. (So, events in Fayette County would be tagged with FayetteCo.)
- Event types are Meeting, Rally, Training, Town-Hall, Party, Virtual, Forum, Informational, and Convention.
- Sponsors (so far) are KDP, LocalDem, PBR, LWV, Indivisible, and BGAA.
- If you click on a tag in the list, you’ll get all events with that tag.