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The ForwardKY Newsletters

A list of all our newsletters, along with instructions on signing up for them.

Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash

Note: The Newsletter Archive has moved to the bottom menu, and can be found here.

We publish a number of newsletters at Forward Kentucky. Some are weekly, some are daily, and some are as needed. All of them require a membership at the Friend (free) level or higher.

Here’s a list of all of them, with descriptions and who can sign up for them. To sign up for one, turn it on in your member profile (via either the popup you get from the button in the lower right of the screen, or the Account link at the top). Every member is signed up for the Weekly Newsletter automatically when they join. Note that if you are not at the level required to get that newsletter, turning it on in your profile will have no effect.

And one more note: All our newsletters are also published on the site in the Newsletter Archive, accessible via the bottom navigation menu. If you don’t want to get them in your inbox, you can still go there to read them on the site. But for most people, it’s more convenient to just get them via email.

The Weekly Newsletter

(Sent most weekends; available to all member levels)
This newsletter includes updates about the site, including new features and reminders. It also includes a list of all content published that week, so you can see if you missed something that would be interesting to you.

Action Alerts

(Sent as needed; available to all member levels)
Action Alerts are just what the name implies: email alerts about an action that needs to be taken, usually urgently. Many of them are related to bills in the legislature.

The Wrap

(Sent M-F; available to members only)
Stay current with one email! The Wrap is a daily (or almost daily) newsletter wrapping up the political news of the day, whether published on ForwardKY or elsewhere. It also includes a list of everything else published on the site that day. Scan the newsletter, then click a link if you want to read more – simple and efficient!

Bruce’s Take

(Sent when Bruce does a video; available to paying members only)
This is the transcript of the “Bruce’s Take” videos on our YouTube channel. These are written by publisher Bruce Maples, and contains his thoughts on, and analysis of, current political events, with occasional forays into history, governance, and whatever else strikes his fancy. Obviously, you can watch the videos for free (as can everyone), but if you would rather read the transcript, you either need to sign up for this newsletter to get them in your inbox, OR read them under the video when posted on the site.

The KYGA Update

(Sent the morning after a day when the General Assembly is in session; available to Partner members only)
This newsletter is designed to help you follow the work of our legislature in an organized and detailed way. It includes almost everything that happened the day before, summarized in an easy-to-scan format. At the top are the “headlines” from the day before. Any bills that are on our Key Legislation list are noted with icons. And, at the bottom it includes the schedule for the coming day’s session, for both committees and for both chambers.

