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Shout Back to Forward Kentucky

Got something to tell us? You can Shout Back to us a number of ways.

Our regular feedback and contact channels

  • For website problems or suggestions, send an email to
  • Send your press releases and other media notices to
  • For general feedback, including questions, complaints, and compliments, send an email to
  • For story ideas, including background info, rumors, or things you think we should know where you don’t mind using your own email, you can also send an email to
  • To get in touch with publisher Bruce Maples, email

How to submit one or more original articles

We regularly publish articles submitted by readers and others. If you have an article you would like us to consider publishing, send it to You can send it either in the body of the email itself, or attach it to the email.

Note that submitting something does not guarantee it will be published, and that the editing by the editor is final. 😉

