Republicans are embracing anti-vaccine disinformation. So what happens next?
Conservatism has become anti-science, which means they are anti-vax as well. How do we protect ourselves?
Articles by outside authors. See the article for the author and contact information.
Conservatism has become anti-science, which means they are anti-vax as well. How do we protect ourselves?
Hopefully this time Democratic politicians and our media will, finally, call the GOP out on Wanniski’s and Reagan’s Two Santa Clauses scam and put an end to it once and for all…
The virus of hate, made worse by Donald Trump, is infecting our society and threatening our democracy. What will we do about it?
Even more areas will face such conditions as the planet continues to warm from fossil fuel combustion.
We’re still 13 months from the 2024 election. But just like you can see hurricanes coming before they strike land, Murfster says he can see the Dem storm coming for 2024. Read on to see why.
Experts are voicing concern over the election denial movement, which threatens to disrupt improvements in how votes are cast, counted, and reported in rural America.
The Congressional Integrity Project has been excoriating Jamie Comer for months over his efforts to smear the Bidens. Now the Dems on the Oversight Committee have released their own report on Comer’s actions.
Young adults are paying attention to this election, with specific concerns on their mind. Who do they think will address those concerns? The people in the picture above.
Tail-Gunner Jamie Comer and House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy are trying to impeachment blood from a turnip, and Bill Straub calls them on it.
If the Repubs win in 2024, they will implement “Project 2025” – their plan to seize control of our nation and transform it into an authoritarian state.
Our senior senator is not getting any younger – and lately, evidence of that fact has become more and more evident. Bill Straub says it’s time for McConnell to be transparent about his health.
The nightmare scenarios are no longer hypothetical; they are happening now, in states all across the U.S. – including Kentucky.
Assuming they honor the triggers they put in place, the legislature will not be able to continue giving income tax cuts to the wealthy.
The police chief grabbed the phone out of her hands, even though it was not part of the search warrant.
Police raided a small newspaper in Kansas last week in a clear violation of the First Amendment. KPA has issued a clear statement in support of the newspaper and of freedom of the press.