Comer, losing his ‘impeach Biden’ spotlight, weighs in on Trump trial — really?
Our own Jamie Comer is weighing in on the Trump trial, in hopes of grabbing some of Trump’s media attention.
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Our own Jamie Comer is weighing in on the Trump trial, in hopes of grabbing some of Trump’s media attention.
The nastiest race in the state; incumbents facing challengers; open seats where the winner of the primary wins the genera. All happening in northern Kentucky.
If the United States is supposed to be a “friend” of Israel, aren’t we also supposed to tell them when they are wrong?
He is working with Marjorie Taylor Green (!) to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson, because Johnson dared to actually work across the aisle to get things done.
Comer’s “investigation” seems to be coming to an inglorious end. And now he’s going to write a book about it?
Republican candidate forum, with a number of speakers trying to out-Repub each other.
These vetoes can’t be overridden by the legislature.
First it was Marjorie Taylor Green calling for Johnson’s head. Now our own Thomas Massie has joined her. What is he thinking?
Kentucky school districts say a proposed bill to tighten restrictions on SNAP participation will lead to an uptick in student hunger.
He also discussed various bills that have reached his desk – and continued to call out the ‘partisan politics’ in Frankfort.
This Kentucky-based advocacy organization is opposed to using public money for private schools, and is planning various actions to defeat the bill.
The “Momnibus” bill aims to improve maternal health, while the other bills addresses the teacher shortage.
Governor Beshear has said he will appeal the ruling.
Jamie is, at best, a Russian stooge, a lackey for Vladimir Putin. The boy might just be a Russian asset.
The Democratic reps from Louisville and Lexington filed HB 376.
Jamie Comer may be getting desperate for attention. Why else enter a picture of someone in the nude into the committee records?