Bill Straub: Time marches on for everyone; has it finally passed Mitch McConnell by — after 38 years?
Could it be that, after 16 years as the Senate Repub leader, McConnell is losing his fast ball?
Could it be that, after 16 years as the Senate Repub leader, McConnell is losing his fast ball?
According to Bill Straub, ol’ Andy Boy is just looking for the right ‘threats’ to give himself looney creds.
Sen. Mitch McConnell has fathered an ugly baby. Now he’s trying to convince everyone that his homely little bundle of joy is actually the second-coming of Cleopatra.
Bill Straub points out the ongoing Keystone-Cops-like antics of KY Rep. Comer, and says it’s time give it up, Jamie.
Bill Straub notes that apparently Republicans like the ‘whataboutism’ kind.
The Beshear administration declined to apply for a federal grant of up to $3 million to devise a climate action plan. Why?
Louisville is prevented from enacting its own laws regarding guns. Mayor says this need to change.
Younger voters are a source of electoral strength. And they’re no shrinking violets.
The House leadership refused to give reasons for the actions, but others have an idea.
The final vote in the Senate was 26-11, with many former opponents voting for this year’s bill.
Hear the real-life experience of a trans Kentuckian.