Copyright and Permissions Skip to content

Copyright and Permissions

These are the general guidelines for this site around copyright and permissions. If you have questions that are not answered by this page, email


Any article with either Bruce Maples or Forward Kentucky listed as the author is copyrighted by Maples Media, LLC, and may not be reproduced without written permission from Bruce Maples

Articles, cartoons, or media attributed to other authors are copyrighted by those authors, and may only be reproduced or cross-posted with that author’s permission.


Images on Forward Kentucky come from a wide array of sources, some of which are free to use elsewhere. For example, we get many of our images from Wikimedia Commons. If an image is from such a source, it will be noted in the attribution. This means that you can go to that site as well and get your own copy of the image.

Other images are provided by our contributors, including our excellent photographers. Any images attributed to them are copyrighted by them, and you will need to contact them for reuse.

Still other images on our site are copyrighted by others, and we have paid to use them. Included in this category would be images from the Associated Press, other media outlets, and from Stencil and Canva. None of these may be used by others; if you want to use one of them, you will need to pay a license fee just as we did.

If you have a question about a particular image and its source, contact us at and we’ll be glad to tell you the source of the image and whether it is free to use or not.

