Pay What You Want Skip to content

Pay What You Want

Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan / Unsplash

We have had a number of persons contact us, asking how they can donate to the work of Forward Kentucky. Since we are not a non-profit (even though right now we are certainly a No-Profit 😉), such “donations” would not be tax-deductible as charitable donations.

Nevertheless, we continue to get the request to provide a means for people to support the work. So, in order to be clear that this is not a charitable donation, we are providing this page where you can “purchase” some support! The item is titled “Pay What You Want,” and it is exactly that: enter the amount you wish to pay to help support the work, then click the Pay Now button. You’ll be whisked off to Paypal, where you can use either a credit card or your Paypal account.

In the text box below, enter what you are paying for, then click the button to open a PayPal window. Once in the window, enter the amount you want to pay. You can use your PayPal account, if you have one, or pay with a credit card. (You won’t see the text you entered telling what this is for, but it will be sent to us in an email.)

You’ll know the payment was successful when you wind up on the Thank You page.

What is this for?