Politics as performance: When debate is a formality and voters go for the man with the biggest hat
The GOP goal, at the state and national level, is not governing. The goal is getting the most time on stage.
The GOP goal, at the state and national level, is not governing. The goal is getting the most time on stage.
Forget sex. Sex no longer sells. Meanness does. And meanness is the Republican Party’s brand.
Like Gingrich (and Frankenstein), Thayer fanned the blaze he now would douse
Look at the bills that passed, and the ones that didn’t. Then listen to the comments on the floor. It’s clear what is driving some of this year’s GOP legislation.
The Safer Kentucky Act was just an act. The goal was never to make you safer. The goal was simply to keep themselves in power so they can come back and do nothing again next year.
How many Kentucky lives might be saved but for one missing trait in too many of our lawmakers: the courage to speak the truth.
How do you feel about having retired military and law enforcement patrolling your child’s school with a gun on their hip?
It seems Sen. Phillip Wheeler has forgotten both whom he represents, and what his job is in Frankfort.
The man who ran eight years ago is the same man running today, and there remains no evidence that Republican voters or the national Republican Party will ever abandon him.
While real Kentuckians face real problems, the Lege is focused on anything but the needs of the rest of us.
Prevent easy access to firearms for those who are a danger to themselves or others
Republican candidate for governor should explain his ‘implausible’ claim
Our lawmakers work hard at protecting guns – but ignore protecting us.
Many of our legislators claim to be “pro-life” – but when it comes to saving lives from guns, they take no action. At what point do prayers need to get legs?
They pass laws to protect guns (!), but protecting persons just isn’t on their agenda.
More guns is not the solution to gun violence.