A major open-records decision: the Court got it right
The Kentucky Open Government Coalition won a major court case in the ongoing fight for government transparency. Amye Bensenhaver explains.
Articles that dig into an issue, policy, or story, and present relevant research and insights.
The Kentucky Open Government Coalition won a major court case in the ongoing fight for government transparency. Amye Bensenhaver explains.
Once again, James Comer has been caught promoting a nothing-burger.
The new speaker is definitely not moderate – but can moderates push him toward the center?
Johnson says he wants to get back to the business of legislating. But for whom is he legislating? It’s not for working people – that’s for sure.
The House Republicans have chosen a far-right Christian nationalist Trump supporter with a good smile and pleasant personality. What does this tell us?
Get to know the newly-elected Speaker, Rep. Mike Johnson.
Former president did not endorse his U.N. ambassador in her run for Kentucky governor
Lots of back and forth, with Cameron repeatedly saying Beshear was lying.
Some rural counties have higher homicide rates per citizen than many urban areas.
Are Republicans warming up the jail cells they want to put American women into who have the temerity to continue using birth control after the GOP’s bans take effect?
A Louisville Republican is proposing a law making homelessness a jail-able offense.
The Lexington Times looks at the Daily Beast investigation of Cameron allocating money for ibogaine treatment.
Jason Bailey of KY Policy explains why the UAW strike goes beyond just the auto industry.
Getting more youth to vote is an admirable goal. Testing them about civics, though, doesn’t seem to help.
The so-called “Christian Right” is using the courts to limit the freedoms of groups of Americans they disapprove of. Ultimately, this will actually limit our freedoms.
The UAW is doing what unions are supposed to do: get companies to share the wealth with the people who actually produce it. And it’s working.