<meta name="description" content="Articles presenting objective information about events. If an article contains both details of the event and commentary about the event, it will be labeled with both tags."> News - Forward Kentucky (Page 52) Skip to content


Articles presenting objective information about events. If an article contains both details of the event and commentary about the event, it will be labeled with both tags.

Wednesday News & Notes

Wednesday News & Notes

Wed N&N: Abortion access group raises $$; Greenberg on guns; the possible railroad strike; Trump family’s lies in KY; study of diversity in KY; the #1 political party in the state

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Dem withdraws – shenanigans ensue

Dem withdraws – shenanigans ensue

Matthew Pfaadt made an innocent but costly mistake, and has had to withdraw his candidacy. Should be a simple situation – but it has become anything but.

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Booker endorsed by Beshear

Booker endorsed by Beshear

Gov. Andy Beshear today endorsed Charles Booker for Senate, joining four other former governors and lieutenant governors who have already endorsed.

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Monday News & Notes

Monday News & Notes

A few politics and government things to share today, plus some Twitter insight into last week’s special session.

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