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Beshear vetoes bill ending COVID emergency that also costs state $50 million in SNAP benefits

Leges were warned that SJR 150 would cost the state money, but they passed it anyway. Today, Governor Beshear vetoed the bill, and asked Repubs to let the veto stand.

1 min read

In a move obviously designed to flex their power over Governor Beshear, the Repub-led General Assembly passed a joint resolution that ended his COVID-19 emergency declaration a month early, even though they were warned it would cost the state money.

Today, after noting that Senate Joint Resolution 150 would, in fact, cost the state $50 million in SNAP (food stamp) benefits, Beshear vetoed the bill.

The SNAP benefits from the federal government are contingent on an emergency declaration being in place. The Cabinet for Health and Family Services confirmed that moving the end date up would cause the COVID-related benefits to end.

Over half a million Kentuckians will be affected by the loss in benefits.

The Republican majorities in both chambers can certainly override the governor’s veto, and cause the benefits to end early. Beshear has asked them not to do that, but it remains to be seen whether they will listen to him.


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Joanie Prentice on this year’s General Assembly

Joanie Prentice on this year’s General Assembly

We’re joined by bill-tracker-extraordinaire Joanie Prentice, to get her take on the good, the bad, and the ugly in this year’s session of the Kentucky General Assembly. Which bills are moving, and are they good or bad? And WHY are those particular bills moving? Join us to find out!

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