Cameron (& Ford) Get Unlucky in KenTrucky w/Col. Pam Stevenson Skip to content

Cameron (& Ford) Get Unlucky in KenTrucky w/Col. Pam Stevenson

This week Doug brings us a debate recap, we discuss the UAW strike against Ford, THEN we’ve got an interview with Rep. Col. Pam Stevenson, the Democratic candidate for Attorney General.

1 min read

Aaron, Doug and Nema join forces to remind you that there are 19 DAYS UNTIL Nov. 7th! This week Doug brings us a debate recap, we discuss the UAW strike against Ford, THEN we’ve got an interview with Rep. Col. Pam Stevenson, the Democratic candidate for Attorney General. We meet her over in the Campaign Corner to hear how the campaign is going. We close out with a call to action and a plug for AFT-120’s upcoming event.


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Progress Kentucky

Progress Kentucky works to educate and engage voters across our commonwealth in order to advance a progressive political agenda at the state and national level.


