It’s amazing to check and realize that it was only last year that Congresswomen Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert got into a middle-school catfight over who was the fairest MAGA mama of them all. #MAGA packs so much crazy-on-crazy action that it’s like being sucked into Narnia. While it feels like a decade on the other side of the magic wardrobe, a lot less time has elapsed in the real world. It felt like forever ago, but I just looked it up, and it happened in June 2023.
However, my friends, MAGA Marge has gotten into a new catfight — this time with crazy Laura Loomer. And did the fur fly between two women who each want to be Trump’s prom queen!
Now there have been some other #MAGA mama mayhem since last year’s — and not just Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice! As recently as July, MAGA Marge demonstrated that in addition to not understanding math, Judaism, how to read a chart, how to read, or decent manners, she didn’t know history, either. Also, in July, Congresswoman Barbie (a.k.a. Boebert) picked up on the practice of using “DEI“ as a euphemism for the N-word. She’s also been greeted with cheers of “Beetlejuice!” just about wherever she goes, so that’s been fun.
But none of that is as hilarious as MTG and Laura Loomer’s current Twitter beef.
Loomer tweeted that Kamala Harris, if victorious, would make the White House smell like an Indian restaurant (Hey! Lamb Korma please!) and that all of President Harris’s speeches would be conducted via a call center in India. Garden-variety MAGA racism. But, for some reason, Jewish Space Lasers Marge, who regularly claims Democrats are pedophiles (I thought that was the purview of Catholic priests and Baptist youth pastors), thought Loomer went too far.
Loomer responded in her usual restrained fashion. Nah, I’m kidding! She lost her mind. Loomer accused Greene of everything except drinking the blood of Christian babies: antisemitism, faking Christianity, adultery, irrelevance, being a sellout, being a leftist, being Nazi curious, using the N-word in private. Whew!
And here is the crux: Loomer accused Greene of being “extremely jealous and vindictive over the fact that she wasn’t successful in turning Donald Trump against me….” Translation: You think you’re stealing the football captain from me? Think again! I’m his real girlfriend.
Little did I know, when I left junior high in 1974, that I’d have to relive that middle-school girl drama in my old age. I’d wish that November came sooner, but these immature antics won’t end with Donald Trump, sadly. In the meantime, be sure you have plenty of popcorn!