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Articles linked to podcasts and videos, either produced by Forward Kentucky or from other sources.

The most anti-trans legislative session ever

The most anti-trans legislative session ever

This week, Jazmin updated even more anti-trans legislation making its way through Frankfort. Robert updated us about the wind storms that swept through Kentucky at the end of last week (including his own experience) and there were several other political updates.

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How is Frankfort Treating the Earth? w/Lane Boldman

How is Frankfort Treating the Earth? w/Lane Boldman

Kimberly, Nate and Doug discuss the state of play on day 22 of the 30 day KYGA23 session, then they interview Lane Boldman with the KY Conservation Committee to learn what “woke investing” is, and why the GOP super majority is so against it.

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Is it over yet? Or, what fresh hell?

Is it over yet? Or, what fresh hell?

Aaron, Martina and Willie weigh in on the horror show that is the Kentucky General Assembly, and then interview Keith Elston, Founder and Legal Director of the Kentucky Youth Law Project.

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Let’s talk about a national divorce

Let’s talk about a national divorce

The current face of the national Republican party, Marjorie Taylor Green, stated recently that the United States should just have a “national divorce.” Let the red states and the blue states go their own separate ways. Beau of the Fifth Column has some thoughts about that idea.

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An interview with CivicLex

An interview with CivicLex

Robert and Jazmin interview CivicLex, a very unique civic education group in Lexington. Also - the anti-trans bills in KYGA23, and Jamie Comer’s very interesting 2023.

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Descending upon the Dome, or a row under the Rotunda

Descending upon the Dome, or a row under the Rotunda

With the legislative session going full-tilt, Kimberly, Aaron and Chris discuss the state of the legislature and check in on key bills before launching another installment of Doug Price Is Right to hear from the front lines of the General Assembly.

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