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Thoughts and Prayers

Funny how thoughts and prayers work for Republicans.

1 min read
(Image courtesy of Trainual at this article)

Elaine [Chao] and I are devastated by the news coming out of Louisville this morning. Thank you to LMPD and our first responders for your bravery at the scene. We send our prayers to the victims, their families, and the city of Louisville as we await more information.

– The Honorable Mitch McConnell on Twitter, April 10, 2023

Funny how thoughts and prayers work for Republicans.

When they wanted to ban drag queens and torment trans students, the GOP didn’t resort to thoughts and prayers. They consulted the Koch Machine’s ALEC and passed the most cruel legislation they could get away with.

When they wanted to eliminate the imaginary K-12 critical race theory curriculum, the GOP didn’t resort to thoughts and prayers. They took the template provided by the Koch Machine’s Heritage Foundation and ran with it.

When they wanted to outlaw abortion — in many cases, even for rape and incest victims — the GOP didn’t resort to thoughts and prayers. They packed the U.S. Supreme Court with Federalist Society lackeys, and then passed all the draconian legislation they could.

When they wanted to expose as many citizens as possible to COVID-19 by banning mask mandates and vaccine mandates, the GOP didn’t resort to thoughts and prayers. They took additional boilerplate Koch Machine language and blithely killed more than 300,000 Americans who didn’t have to die (as of April 2022, meaning it’s more now).

When they wanted to cut taxes for the 1% in 2017, the GOP didn’t resort to thoughts and prayers. They passed an enormous tax cut that added more than $1 trillion to the deficit over 10 years. Yes, that same deficit they pretend to care about now.

Funny how thoughts and prayers are only offered for the legislative action they don’t want to take. When the GOP is hellbent to do something, appealing solely to God goes right out the window. Instead of turning to God with thoughts and prayers, the GOP turns to the Koch Machine.



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Ivonne Rovira

Ivonne is the research director for Save Our Schools Kentucky. She previously worked for The Miami Herald, the Miami News, and The Associated Press. (Read the rest on the Contributors page.)


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