As we and others have called out since this bill was introduced, shifting the state to an all-sales-tax approach to funding state government is one of the dangerous bills ever to come out of Frankfort. The “Kansas Experiment” is a warning, not a playbook.
Veto Series 3: HB 8, the “let’s blow a hole in the budget” bill
As expected, the governor vetoed the “let’s be like Kansas” bill. Not expected was the tack of tossing the new taxes back into the face of the legislators.
Dems running to kiss the ring
Sometimes, it’s better not to bend the knee before the bidding even gets underway.
New fact sheet shows economic contributions of immigrants in Kentucky
Consider the impact if all of them suddenly left.
MLK and the labor movement – a natural partnership
As we celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, let us not forget the partnership he saw, and forged, with organized labor