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Jazmin Smith

Jazmin holds a J.D. from the UK College of Law and is now a public defender in Louisville. She is also a member of the Louisville Bar Association. (Read the rest on the Contributors page.)

The session is basically over

The session is basically over

The last legislative day before the veto period has happened, so Robert and Jazmin recapped everything that passed which can survive Andy Beshear’s veto, and everything that didn’t pass. Plus, a deep dive into this biennium’s budget.

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Bad bills and James Comer

Bad bills and James Comer

Jazmin and Robert break down 3 bad bill this week: child labor, “religious freedom,” and guns in school. Then Robert brings an update about James Comer and his embarrassing attempts to impeach Joe Biden.

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Sarah Cole McIntosh on JCPS

Sarah Cole McIntosh on JCPS

This week Robert and Jazmin welcomed Sarah Cole McIntosh to the show to discuss JCPS and several of the legislative session's bills regarding the school district. Before that, Jazmin and Robert updated a few bills making their way through the legislature.

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Kaylee Raymer on HB 5

Kaylee Raymer on HB 5

This week we invited Kaylee Raymer of KY Policy to talk about HB 5 and how it is moving along in the legislature. She provided insights into changes the bill experienced this week and also efforts to make the bill less bad.

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Adrielle Camuel for State Representative

Adrielle Camuel for State Representative

Adrielle Camuel joined Robert and Allison Wiseman talking about why she decided to run, the process of her selection and the fallout, and what she hopes to be able to accomplish in Frankfort. Also, Allison recapped last week’s debates, and Robert talked about the UAW strike coming to Kentucky.

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A break in the Crystal Rogers case

A break in the Crystal Rogers case

No guest this week, but Robert and Jazmin talked about an update in the 8-year saga of the disappearance of Crystal Rogers, which just saw it's first arrest. Then, the pair discussed some drama in the special election in House District 93.

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Sebastian Kitchen talks about the campaign

Sebastian Kitchen talks about the campaign

This week we welcomed Sebastian Kitchen, the executive director of the KDP, to the show. He told us about the efforts the party is undertaking to reelect Beshear and elect other Democrats this year, about next year's election, and about the next party reorganization. It was a great conversation!

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Rep. Tina Bojanowski on JCPS

Rep. Tina Bojanowski on JCPS

Dr. Tina Bojanowski is a JCPS teacher and member of the KY House, so we asked her to talk to us about JCPS’s recent busing issues. Before that, Robert and Jazmin discussed Louisville’s recent homeless encampment clearings and the ethics trial of Louisville Metro Councilmember Anthony Piagintini.

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