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Aaron Smith

Aaron grew up in Eastern KY before attending UK, where dozens of his editorial cartoons were published by the Kentucky Kernal. (Read the rest on the Contributors page.)

Mitch's threats

Mitch's threats

Our senior senator, Mitch McConnell, has been making dire, dire threats about what would happen if the Senate got rid of the filibuster. He has made dramatic speeches on the Senate floor, including this: > Let me say this very clearly for all 99 of my colleagues: Nobody serving in

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Dropping the ball

Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer has had a rough twelve months, with some accusing him of dropping a number of balls along the way. Aaron Smith wonders, is Fischer’s latest action another dropped ball? [https://forwardky.com/content/images/wordpress/2021/01/Fischer_DroppedTheBall_01.jpg] [/content/images/wordpress/2021/

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Blood on his hands

Five persons dead (so far) from the terrorist attack on the Capitol. Plots to kidnap and execute elected officials. Children dying in cages. Hundreds of thousands dead from COVID. And yet, Donald Trump says: [https://forwardky.com/content/images/wordpress/2021/01/Trump_NoBlame_2021.jpg]Copyright © 2021 by Aaron

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Back to square one, America

Aaron Smith’s latest editorial cartoon speaks for itself. [https://forwardky.com/content/images/wordpress/2021/01/SquareOne_2021.jpg]Copyright © 2021 by Aaron Smith – all rights reserved

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Dr. Trumplican's monster

Aaron Smith drew this 4 1/2 years ago, in March 2016. We’re reposting it this Halloween weekend, and marveling at how prescient Aaron was. [https://forwardky.com/content/images/wordpress/2016/03/Trump_Monster.png]Cartoon by Aaron Smith. All rights reserved.

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Mitch's scary ads

Mitch's scary ads

A note from Aaron Smith about this editorial cartoon: I’ve noticed there’s a marked difference between Amy McGrath and Mitch McConnell’s ads – Amy’s have a message of hope and optimism for where our state might go. Mitch’s tend to promise terror and mayhem – despite the

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Mitch's scary ads

A note from Aaron Smith about this editorial cartoon: I’ve noticed there’s a marked difference between Amy McGrath and Mitch McConnell’s ads – Amy’s have a message of hope and optimism for where our state might go. Mitch’s tend to promise terror and mayhem – despite the

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Mitch's voicemail – COVID relief

If you call Senator Mitch McConnell’s office and ask him to do something about COVID relief, what message do you get? Aaron Smith has the answer. [https://forwardky.com/content/images/wordpress/2020/10/Voicemail_COVID_Relief.jpg]

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The New Biden Rule (according to Mitch)

The New Biden Rule (according to Mitch)

Senator Mitch McConnell keeps saying he is just honoring “the Biden rule” when he chooses to ram through another Supreme Court justice a few days before the election. Turns out, he’s right – except it’s a NEW Biden rule that ol’ Mitch made up himself. Aaron Smith spells it

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She's got a weapon!

From editorial cartoonist Aaron Smith: “They say that attacking journalists is a countries first step toward fascism.” LMPD officer fires pepper balls at WAVE 3 News reporter, photographer during Louisville protest [https://www.wave3.com/2020/05/29/lmpd-officer-fires-pepper-balls-wave-news-reporter-photographer-during-louisville-protest/] [https://forwardky.com/content/images/wordpress/2020/06/LMPD_Smith.jpg]

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What modern-day heroes REALLY want

What modern-day heroes REALLY want

During this pandemic, we’ve taken to calling our front-line responders and essential workers the “heroes” of this crisis. Some people have even made capes for them. Aaron Smith, though, captures what many of these modern-day heroes are REALLY thinking. [https://forwardky.com/content/images/wordpress/2020/04/Heroes.jpg]

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A short message from Andy Beshear

All across the state, and across partisan lines, people are increasingly appreciative of Governor Beshear’s leadership during this crisis. And, other states are taking notice as well. Aaron Smith captured the Gov reminding us of a few things. [https://forwardky.com/content/images/wordpress/2020/03/Beshear1.jpg]

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Mitch McConnell takes care of the miners

Senator McConnell likes to talk about how much he has done for the coal industry and coal miners in Kentucky. Aaron Smith has some insight into just how that has worked out for those miners. [https://forwardky.com/content/images/wordpress/2020/01/Voicemail_Miners.jpg]Copyright 2020 by Aaron

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Aaron Smith says, Bevin's gone!

To wrap up his “Bevin’s Misdeeds” series [https://forwardky.com/bevins-misdeeds-a-cartoon-series/], editorial cartoonist Aaron Smith draws one last Matt Bevin cartoon, with an important truth embedded in the cartoon. [https://forwardky.com/content/images/wordpress/2019/11/Bevins_Gone.jpg]Copyright 2019 Aaron Smith; all rights reserved.

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Bevin's Misdeeds #8 – Turnout Matters!

Aaron Smith concludes his “Bevin’s (Mis)Deeds” series with a reminder that only 16% of eligible voters actually elected Matt Bevin four years ago. Turnout matters! [https://forwardky.com/content/images/wordpress/2019/10/Bevins_Deeds_08.jpg]Editorial cartoon by Aaron Smith – all rights reserved.

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Have you seen this Pander Bear anywhere in the state?

It appears that as we get closer to the election, a new creature has been observed in various location across our state. He gets around by hitching rides on state equipment, we think, and always seems to bring large amounts contracts with him, which he gives to local elected officials.

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