Mitch's scary ads Skip to content

Mitch's scary ads

1 min read

A note from Aaron Smith about this editorial cartoon:

I’ve noticed there’s a marked difference between Amy McGrath and Mitch McConnell’s ads – Amy’s have a message of hope and optimism for where our state might go. Mitch’s tend to promise terror and mayhem – despite the fact that he’s done NOTHING for Kentuckians in his 30+ years in the Senate. I wish we could watch Mitch’s ads as what they really are: a scary fiction.

Cartoon showing Amy McGrath watching Mitch McConnell ads and calling them just a "scary movie"
© 2020 by Aaron Smith – All rights reserved

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Aaron Smith

Aaron grew up in Eastern KY before attending UK, where dozens of his editorial cartoons were published by the Kentucky Kernal. (Read the rest on the Contributors page.)


