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Dear Jamie Comer – You’re diggin’ where there ain’t no taters.

Comer continues to be a “walking, talking embarrassment.”

3 min read

Like Ol’ Man River, the Jamie Comer clown car “keeps on rolling along.”

Fishing for a “yes,” Fox News’s Sean Hannity on Monday asked the House Oversight Committee chair if he can prove Joe Biden is guilty of bribery.

“I sure hope so,” chirped Kentucky’s First District congressman.

I'll answer likewise if you ask me if my New York Yankees will make the World Series – though, alas, the truth is they probably won't.

Try as they might, Comer and his fellow congressional Clouseaus — notably Rep. Jim Jordan, the Buckeye State buffoon — haven’t found anything substantive to support their claims of a Biden Crime Family.

Still trolling for a “yes,” Hannity popped the same question to Jordan. “Well, it sure looks that way,” he cheeped.

“Hope so” and “looks that way” are what you say when you know you’re stumped.

Comer and Jordan are charter members of the House GOP Crazy Caucus. Fox is the GOP’s propaganda ministry.

So naturally, Hannity had the dissembling duo on his show after Devon Archer, First Son Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner, testified in a closed door House session. They were counting on Archer to provide the “smoking gun” to shoot open the door to impeaching the president.

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) said Archer’s testimony backed up claims by Biden the Younger and the White House that the president did nothing wrong.

Striking out and grasping at straws for the umpteenth time, Comer rushed off a statement accusing President Biden of lying “to the American people when he said he had no knowledge about his son’s business dealings and was not involved.”

Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher pointed out that Comer’s statement “did not cite specifics from the testimony beyond the existence of the [father to son] phone calls and the actions of Hunter Biden to promote ‘the brand’ of his connection to his father.”

When you won’t “cite specifics,” you almost certainly don’t have the goods.

Of course, the goods don’t matter to Comer or Jordan – or Fox News. Screw governing; all that counts to the truth-averse trio is deifying their party and demonizing the other side.

“Comer’s reply to Hannity’s straightforward inquiry is telling,” wrote “News Corpse” in Daily Kos. "... It’s just an expression of his blatant, unfounded, partisan desires. A prosecutor doesn’t go into court and tell the judge that he doesn’t have any evidence, but ‘I sure hope’ to get a guilty verdict anyway.”

“News Corpse” also wrote that “there is also no truth to Comer’s assertion that Biden lied to [the] American people. To the contrary, Archer, the GOP’s own witness, confirms that everything that Biden said previously about his not having discussed business with his son was true.”

Kos’s Walter Einenkel backed up News Corpse: “By all accounts, Archer’s testimony was what the kids call a ‘bust.’ Archer reportedly did testify that Hunter Biden called and even spoke with his famous father on speaker phone in front of both friends and business acquaintances, but according to Archer, they never spoke about business. These phone calls were the social calls a father takes from his son.”

Of course, Comer and Jordan, among Lord Trump’s most loyal lieges, are never troubled by the truth when in service to He of the Tang-Hued Hair.

You can bet that Comer will stick to likening the Bidens to the Corleones this Saturday at Fancy Farm, where bigotry and demagoguery have long been his stump standbys.

Northern Kentucky Tribune columnist and Kentucky Journalism Hall of Famer Bill Straub has been all over Comer all summer. A June musing is especially timely since Comer so badly whiffed Hannity’s fat pitch.

Straub cited Dr. Grady Stumbo, who came up short in two bids for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. (Stumbo was one of the funniest stump speakers I’ve ever heard at Fancy Farm.)

Straub remembered that the folksy Stumbo “became embroiled in some long-forgotten controversy during one of those campaigns in the 1980s and sought to deflect inquiries about the incident from nosy reporters by admonishing, ‘You’re diggin’ where there ain’t no taters.’

“... Comer (R-WhereverHeHangsHisHatIsHisHome) has brazenly emerged as the diggingest and most taterless dolt on the planet,” wrote Straub, who added that his “ongoing excavations into President Biden and his family have uncovered less than a pittance while thoroughly managing to bury his own self in humiliation.”

“I've been embarrassing myself since about birth,” confessed British YouTuber and radio host Phil Lester.

I don’t know if Comer’s serial self-embarrassment is congenital. But Straub nailed it when he wrote, “Comer is just producing horse manure for his right-wing masters in an effort to cripple Biden’s governmental agenda and his re-election campaign, truth be damned. He is a walking, talking embarrassment bringing shame on the First Congressional District that sent him to Washington.”



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Berry Craig

Berry Craig is a professor emeritus of history at West KY Community College, and an author of seven books and co-author of two more. (Read the rest on the Contributors page.)

Arlington, KY


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