Facts to know about the Nov. 8 election Skip to content

Facts to know about the Nov. 8 election

Did you know there are multiple ways to vote in Kentucky? Here’s a rundown, including some important deadlines.

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The general election is on November 8, but that isn’t the only day Kentuckians may cast a ballot. Here’s a rundown of voting options and information about polling places in Christian County.

Absentee voting (mail-in)

Kentucky voters who want to cast an absentee mail-in ballot in the November general election — and have a qualifying reason to do so — must make their request for the ballot no later than Oct. 25. The request can be made online.

Among those who qualify to vote with a mail-in ballot are voters who are temporarily living out of state, such as college students. Here’s a list of all of the qualifying reasons for an absentee mail-in ballot.

Voters must return the ballots to their county clerk’s office by Election Day, Nov. 8.

Excused absentee voting (in-person)

In-person absentee voting is another option for Kentucky voters who have a qualifying reason, such as a planned surgical procedure. Check your local county clerk’s office or web site for the hours and locations.

Absentee voting (in-person)

Prior to Election Day, there are three early voting dates — from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov. 3, 4 and 5. Again, check with your county clerk or board of elections for locations. No qualifying reason is needed under state law to vote on these days.

On Election Day

The last option is Election Day voting. You can go to GoVoteKY.com to find your polling place. Polls are open from 6 AM to 6 PM, and anyone who is actually in line at 6 PM will be allowed to vote.


Written by Jennifer P. Brown, publisher of the Hoptown Chronicle. Cross-posted from the Hoptown Chronicle.

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