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ForwardKY is coming to Hopkinsville!

It’s a live, in-person discussion of the issues of the day between a progressive and a conservative. Come join us!

1 min read

Three years ago, I had an idea. What if we could get someone from the Left and someone from the Right to discuss issues of the day in a calm and open dialogue, and do it in front of an audience? I’d call the event a “Commonwealth Conversation,” and if it went well, we’d try to do them at various locations across the state.

Then COVID hit, and the whole idea went in the drawer.

Until now. It seemed to me a few months ago that it was a good time to take it back out of the drawer. So I reached out to Whitney Westerfield about it. Why him? Because, frankly, he seems to me to be one of the more reasonable Republicans in Frankfort.

And he liked the idea, and agreed to work out the details on his end.

SO – on Thursday night, August 11th, we are holding the first Commonwealth Conversation at Christian County Middle School. The event is at 7 PM, and of course is open to all. We have Alan Watts of WKDZ as moderator, and we will take questions from the audience.

We’re still working out the details of what to talk about, but I am very much looking forward to this. It may go great, or it may devolve into a shouting match with the audience – but either way, we will have made the effort at dialogue. And to me, just having made the effort is a success.

So if you are in or near Hoptown and have that Thursday night free, come join us. At this point, the only way I know to watch is to be there. We may try to do some sort of livestream as well, but that’s not in the cards right now.

And if you attend, come up afterward and introduce yourself. I’d love to meet some ForwardKY readers “IRL”!


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Bruce Maples

Bruce Maples has been involved in politics and activism since 2004, when he became active in the Kerry Kentucky movement. (Read the rest of his bio on the Bruce Maples Bio page in the bottom nav bar.)

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