The following is a press release from Protect Kentucky Access
With just under two weeks to go until election day, the Protect Kentucky Access coalition says they see overwhelming support on the ground for the Vote No on 2 campaign designed to stop a state constitutional amendment that would result in a total ban on abortion.
“Every day, we’ve heard from Kentuckians across the Commonwealth who believe that we need to keep the government out of our personal lives and stand up to the politicians and special interests who want to take away our rights,” said Rachel Sweet, PKA campaign manager. “This amendment would give the state legislature total power to ban abortion in cases of rape and incest, and even if the mother’s life is at risk. The enthusiasm we have seen for Vote No on 2 is strong and heartfelt in every single county. People want their voices heard on this issue.”
With such strong support across Kentucky, PKA’s volunteers represent more than half the counties in the state. “Thanks to the people working so hard on the ground, we have reached voters in 109 of 120 counties, and we will reach every single county by election day,” said Kelsey Coots, PKA Field Director.
Protect Kentucky Access also released two new television ads ahead of November 8: “Serve,” which features Reverend Wayne A. Gnatuk, and “Exceptions,” which highlights the extreme nature of Amendment 2.
“Like all Kentuckians, faith leaders have expressed throughout this campaign that the ballot measure is far too extreme,” said Kaitlyn Soligan Owens, Communications Director for PKA. “This proposed amendment limits religious freedom, and we are grateful for the strong support our campaign has seen from people across Kentucky’s many faith communities.”
While Election Day is November 8, early voting will take place in Kentucky from November 3 through 5. More information on Vote No on 2 and Protect Kentucky Access can be found at