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The Daily Wrap

All the day’s political newsin one easy-to-scan email newsletter

Tired of going here, there, and yon to keep up with the news?

Wish you could get all your Kentucky political news in one place?

We’ve got you covered!

Introducing The Daily Wrap – Forward Kentucky’s M-F email newsletter with all the important (and some not-so-important) political news across Kentucky.

The Daily Wrap includes all the news stories published on ForwardKY that day – plus stories we pull from other sources – plus social media posts about politics in Kentucky – all in an easy-to-scan email, with links back to everything.

And, it only costs $5 a month!

But wait (as they say) ... There’s more!

That $5 a month gets you a ForwardKY membership at the Patron level, which includes:

  • No ads!
  • Add your comments to articles
  • Get the weekly Member Update
  • Get occasional Action Alerts
  • Access to the Bill Trackers and the Legislator Scorecard
  • Access to Election Central
  • And of course, The Daily Wrap

A tremendous value for only $5 a month, right?

So take advantage of that value right now, and start getting the benefits of Forward Kentucky membership. Just click the button below to sign up!

The Daily Wrap, brought to you by Forward Kentucky
“the progressive voice for Kentucky politics”
