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Marshall receives two endorsements

Erin Marshall, running against Jamie Comer, has received two new endorsements.

1 min read

Via press release

Folks, I’m very proud to share some recent campaign developments:

Endorsed by the Kentucky State AFL-CIO!

When it comes to the serious issues facing working mothers, fathers, and caregivers – like fighting for policies that ensure access to affordable childcare, paid family leave, fair wages, and equal pay for equal work, I will never waver. We need a fighter in Congress for Kentucky's working families, not a water carrier for the billionaire class.

Named a Moms Demand Action 2024 Gun Sense Candidate

Columbine happened on my 5th birthday. Now it’s 25 years later, and my son goes through active shooter drills in preschool. Enough is enough. We need common-sense action to prevent gun violence, and I'll fight like hell in Congress to make sure our kids can learn without fear.

I’m in this race to win – because Kentuckians deserve so much better than hypocritical, corrupt Comer.



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