New poll shows Beshear up 8 points Skip to content

New poll shows Beshear up 8 points

It appears that most Kentuckians are not buying what Cameron is selling.

1 min read

Via press release from the Beshear campaign

A new poll from A-rated Public Policy Polling shows Andy Beshear’s lead is growing in the race for governor. After three months of non-stop ads about kids’ bodies from Daniel Cameron and his allies, Beshear has a commanding 49-41 lead over Cameron. More than one in five Republicans currently prefer Beshear over Cameron.

Notably, Daniel Cameron is now rated unfavorably by a plurality of Kentucky voters, while Andy Beshear earns a 58% job approval and a 56% favorability rating. Andy’s brand continues to be popular in Kentucky, running nearly thirty points ahead of the president on job approval. It is clear that Andy’s compassionate and effective response to devastating natural disasters, as well as his work to bring historic economic development to Kentucky is resonating with voters.

After three months of gross ads, Kentucky voters are telling Daniel Cameron what they think of his disgraceful and empty campaign for governor. Andy Beshear will continue to talk about creating jobs, supporting public school,s and rebuilding our infrastructure, while Daniel Cameron pits Kentuckians against each other with mean-spirited, divisive attacks.

Mitch McConnell and the RGA will continue to spend millions to salvage Cameron’s flailing campaign, so we will take nothing for granted. It is also why our organizers and volunteers are working hard every day to have face-to-face conversations with voters across Kentucky, with more than 250,000 doors knocked already.

Full toplines can be viewed here.


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