Stories about people, places, events, and so on. Factual, but written in a story-telling style.
Your Primary Scorecard for tonight!
“Can’t tell the players without a scorecard” was the line at the ballparks. As we come down to the final inning of this year’s primaries, Forward Kentucky is here with our own Primary Scorecard!
Voting basics for tomorrow’s primary election
Here’s the basics for tomorrow. Exercise your right to vote!l
A political race card for Derby visitors, real and virtual
Whether it’s a political horse race or a horsey horse race, you’ve got to have a race card to know who’s who. For all our Derby guests, Al Cross provides one.
Comeback communities in eastern Kentucky
Is your image of eastern Kentucky that of dying towns and fleeing populations? Perhaps you need to take a second look.
Kenton County’s Republican primary candidates are aligned — even indistinguishable — on the issues
Republican candidate forum, with a number of speakers trying to out-Repub each other.
Workers Memorial Day is this Sunday
On April 28, 1971, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration began making workplaces safer. But some are still dangerous. This April 28th, let us “remember the dead, and fight like hell for the living.”
The political life and lessons of George Atkins
Former auditor and multiple-time candidate George Atkins died April 14th. His name is largely forgotten today, but the lessons of his life still resonate.
After ten-year battle, a younger generation leads the way at Volkswagen
Another union vote is happening at the VW plant in Chattanooga. And this time, it may pass.
White rural rage
Rural Whites are angry – so they vote Republican. What do they get in return? Almost nothing. And to top it all off, they are angry at the wrong people.
Reentry program for people incarcerated offers a model for others
General recidivism rates are over 50%; this program’s rate is 24%. In other words, it works.
The buzz continues to grow around Comer’s opponent, Erin Marshall
From Paducah to Frankfort, Dems are excited, and pundits are noticing.
Some political humor from DemDaily
A collection of one-liners, bon mots, and comebacks on politics and politicians, from our favorite late-night hosts.
Calloway County, here’s your challenger for KY House
“I want to serve my community, and give my community a choice by running for office.” – Lauren Hines