Booker joins Beshear administration
Will lead the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives and Community Involvement
Articles presenting objective information about events. If an article contains both details of the event and commentary about the event, it will be labeled with both tags.
Will lead the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives and Community Involvement
This is the 14th class of Dem women to go through the Emerge program.
60% of all voters approve of his performance as governor – including 46% of Republicans
Could the surpluses be used for something else, rather than tax cuts?
Earliest endorsement ever of a candidate by the union
The districts were told by the General Assembly they had to authorize charter schools in their local district.
The moment you’ve all been waiting for: seeing who is ACTUALLY in for the 2023 election.
She succeeds Justice Lisabeth Hughes, who retired in December.
For most Kentuckians, additional sales taxes will wipe out the tax cut.
‘ . . . no matter who gets elected, once it’s all over, we ought to look for things we can agree on and try to do those,’ says McConnell
“It’s just one book,” they said. But once you’ve started banning books, when do you stop?
The legislation in question was a response to Beshear’s COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.
The president will be joined by Senators Mitch McConnell and Sherrod Brown, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, and Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine.