Here are the Ten Commandments for Voting, based on a list of Do’s and Don’t’s provided by Secretary of State Grimes. Follow these for a good experience when you go vote tomorrow.
- Verify your voter registration status before you head to the polls. (
- Know where you vote. (
- Know the most convenient times to vote. Polls tend to be busiest during the morning and evening rush hours and at lunchtime.
- Bring your ID with you (driver’s license, social security card, credit card, or other form of identification that contains both a picture and signature).
- If you’re running late, remember: As long as you are in line by 6 PM, you will be allowed to vote.
- Don’t record the identity of other voters in the voting room.
- If you need help, ask the poll workers; they have been trained to deal with most issues, including how to use the machines. And if you have a problem with the poll workers themselves, or if you see some issue at the polls, call your county clerk, the Board of Elections at (502) 573-7100, or the Election Fraud Hotline at (800) 328-8683. (Remember 328-VOTE.)
- Thank your poll workers. It takes 15,000 of them to run an election, and the process would not be possible without them. They deserve our appreciation.
- Remind everyone around you to go vote!
- And finally, get your election results by visiting