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The American Teacher

I wanted to post this because it captures the expectations we are putting on our teachers – expectations, I might add, that are often at cross-purposes, and often unrealistic. If you agree, feel free to share.

1 min read

Saw this on social media and tracked down the artist to ask if we could post it on our site. It comes from an artist named Al Abbazia, and may be available as a print later in the fall.

I wanted to post this because it captures the expectations we are putting on our teachers – expectations, I might add, that are often at cross-purposes, and often unrealistic.

If you agree, feel free to share.


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Stand Up For Science rally draws 300 to Frankfort

Stand Up For Science rally draws 300 to Frankfort

Nearly 300 stood in the blustery cold in front of the capitol in Frankfort Friday to hear doctors and scientists lead them in chants like “Science not silence,” “Science saves lives,” and “Who is science for? — Everyone.” The rally was part of more than 30 Stand Up For Science gatherings

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