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The GOP: Freedom for me, but not for thee

The Radical Right is always bloviating about freedom, but the battle cry couldn’t be more meaningless. On this 4th of July, let’s see what they really mean when they use the word “freedom.”

1 min read
Photo by Nadine Shaabana / Unsplash

The Radical Right is always bloviating about freedom, but the battle cry couldn’t be more meaningless. On this 4th of July, let’s see what they really mean when they use the word “freedom.”

Freedom — but not if you’re trans.

Freedom — but not if you’re a woman who wants to decide when or if you have a baby.

Freedom — but not if you want to marry whomever you love, regardless.

Freedom — but not if you live in a cancer alley.

Freedom — but not if you’re a Black unarmed teenager shot in the back by police.

Freedom — but not if you’re a vulnerable person for whom COVID-19 would be a death sentence.

Freedom — but not if you’re a poor student who no longer gets free lunch or breakfast.

Freedom — but not if you’re an intelligent parent who’s opposed to whitewashed history and dumbed-down courses.

Freedom — but not if you’re an atheist forced to pay for religious schools.

Freedom — but not if you’re Black or Brown, so that you have to wait hours in the sun without water to vote.

Freedom — but not if you’re someone being kept from voting at all.

Freedom — but not if you’re a Black baby born in Mississippi, where the infant mortality rate is between Tonga’s and Botswana’s.

Freedom — but not if you’re loaded down with college loans.

Freedom — but not if you’re gay and want to adopt.

Freedom — but not if you’re living in your car because you make minimum wage.

Freedom — but not if you’re uninsured.

Freedom — but not if you’re filing for bankruptcy because you got really sick while uninsured.

Freedom — but not if you’re a student or teacher during a mass shooting.

On this Fourth of July, don’t fall for the GOP Freedumb. Instead, let’s work for real freedom ... for all.


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Ivonne Rovira

Ivonne is the research director for Save Our Schools Kentucky. She previously worked for The Miami Herald, the Miami News, and The Associated Press. (Read the rest on the Contributors page.)


