Good morning! Hope your weekend is going well – or as well as can be expected, given the week we’ve had. There are stories on the site about all the events of the week, and there will be more – but for now, I want to set that aside and share some things about the site.
Welcome new members! – We’ve had a spate of sign-ups this week, at all three levels: Friend (free), Patron ($5 a month), and Partner ($9 a month). Really glad to have you all with us. As they say, “Tell your friends!”
Sharing ForwardKY with others – And speaking of telling your friends, one subscriber wrote an email to family members (and CCed me), telling them they should sign up ... and a number of them did! The best advertisement is always word of mouth, so if you appreciate what we are doing, tell others.
And don’t forget the sharing buttons at the top of each story. There are the normal social media buttons, but there is also an email button, for sending a link to a particular story. You can include the “you should subscribe” message in that email as well.
A note to Partners – I introduced a new perk for you, the Daily Take newsletter – a M-F email with my take on the news. Only about 20% of you are signed up to get it in your inbox each morning. If you want it, go to your profile and opt in under Newsletters.
Okay, that’s all for this week. Thanks for reading, and more important, thanks for being members of Forward Kentucky. Your interest and support keep us going.