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A GOTV report from the field

2 min read

I received this email yesterday from a member of Forward Kentucky who is volunteering for a local campaign. I thought it was worth sharing with all of you, and asked if I could. The writer said “Sure.” So, here it is, just as it was sent.

I canvassed again for Kate Turner tonight. She is fearless and working SO hard. They/we have been blind knocking and she’s on her 2nd & 3rd round on some doors. I hit an apartment complex this evening … 90% of doors answered were strong Dem voters on Amendment 2 & for Kate & Booker. Rumor has it that Jason [Nemes] took down some stuff off his website so he could appear more moderate on abortion issue/votes. I’m really hopeful on this race. She’s leaving it all on the floor!

Also, the coordinated campaign for Booker, McGarvey, Greenberg, & Ward-Pugh is covering a lot of ground with the precinct folks taking lots of turf. I will say, what I’m hearing at doors is energy about No on Amendment 2 & Booker. Lots of people still don’t know about early voting … giving out lots of info.

Calling Riders to the Polls for LouDemVol … a woman I talked to is upset because she only put 1 stamp on her mail-in ballot & it was not in the instructions that it cost $1.44 (3 stamps). We have been assured the USPS will deliver ... I’m not so sure. I plan to follow up with her when her son can help her track it on the computer. Sigh. Intentional on Bobbie Holsclaw’s part or just plain bad management?

I have found my new passion … I LOVE knocking doors. Here’s my story from yesterday.

I don’t know her 27-year-old story. It was a routine door knocking/canvassing. I gave her information on candidates and the early voting locations. When I started talking about Amendment 2 and the importance of voting ”No,” her eyes welled up with tears. She spoke haltingly and said “Thank you for doing this.” I told her I’m out here for my granddaughters and for her and for all of us. This amendment isn’t just about abortion; it’s about taking rights away from women and girls. I saw the resolve come into her face. She got her power back ... she was now joining in the fight for our freedom. She’s ready … look out, here she comes! We can do this together!


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