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A photo gallery from Mayfield

Berry Craig went to Mayfield for an ecumenical church service outside the destroyed Presbyterian church. While there, he took these pictures to share with us.

4 min read

Contributor Berry Craig grew up in Mayfield, but moved to Arlington a few months ago. Today he traveled back for an ecumenical church service outside the destroyed Presbyterian church (the church of his youth). While there, he took these pictures to share with us.

Media coverage

I'm sure you've seen many aerial photos of the destruction in the city. But it's just different when taken at ground level ... especially by someone who knows the town like the back of his hand. And, who knows the backstory of many of the buildings and people there.

When Berry and his wife arrived in Mayfield, there were already a number of news outlets doing in-person coverage. This is just one of them, doing a stand-up in the middle of (on top of?) some of the devastation.

I've organized Berry's photos into a few categories, that I hope will tell a story of the power of the storm, the destruction that happened, and the clean-up and recovery that is already underway.

One other thing – there is a story on the site listing places you can donate to help with the relief and cleanup work. Please use one of those links to donate, even if you already have. The cleanup and recovery from this storm is going to be long and expensive.

The force of the storm


The churches

First Presbyterian

Cleanup Begins

The service

Some of the worshippers at the service


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Berry Craig

Berry Craig is a professor emeritus of history at West KY Community College, and an author of seven books and co-author of two more. (Read the rest on the Contributors page.)

Arlington, KY


