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A small Republican block party

1 min read

It’s always interesting when you get blocked on social media. If a friend blocks you, it’s something of an insult, and probably hurts. But if you’re in journalism / media / the public eye, and someone blocks you because of THAT, then you learn to just take it in stride.

I knew that the Forward Kentucky account on Twitter had been blocked by some Republicans in the state. So, when I decided to update our public Twitter lists for Repubs and Dems in the legislature, I wondered what I would find.

Interestingly, it was not as bad as I thought. I was able to add almost all the Repubs, and all the Dems, to our public lists. (Which means, if you are on Twitter, you can use our lists to follow those same legislators.)

BUT – there were a few blocks. Here’s the list:

  • Kevin Bratcher (RepBratcherKY)
  • Phil Moffett (philmoffett)
  • Damon Thayer (damon_thayer)

Of course, I have other Twitter accounts (too many), so I just followed them on one of them. Still, it is interesting to see some legislators block a media outlet because they disagree with the editorial stance of the outlet.

By the way – we are NOT blocked by Governor Bevin. Thanks, Gov!


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