Charles Booker bends the arc in Murray
The Calloway County Democratic Party had a fish fry on Friday that featured Charles Booker. And Booker did not disappoint.
<meta name="description" content="Berry Craig is a professor emeritus of history at West KY Community College, and an author of seven books and co-author of two more. (Read the rest on the Contributors page.)">
Berry Craig is a professor emeritus of history at West KY Community College, and an author of seven books and co-author of two more. (Read the rest on the Contributors page.)
The Calloway County Democratic Party had a fish fry on Friday that featured Charles Booker. And Booker did not disappoint.
Sign the petition to get Gannett management to recognize the new union at the C-J, and let’s go six-for-six in new unions getting organized.
Faithful America has released a top-20 list of false prophets: “far-right leaders who abuse Jesus’s name in a corrupt effort to seize power at all costs.”
The far-right’s infatuation with authoritarians and fascism isn’t new. Yesterday it was Hitler; today it’s Orban and the new Italian prime minister. And it’s still just as dangerous.
Apparently, write one sentence about the union drive at the C-J in Louisville, and you won’t be writing for them any more.
While watching Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, Berry Craig reflects on the Beefeater he and Melinda got to know on a trip to London. A really cool story!
State Senate candidate Chuck Eddy tells why he is running as a Dem this time, and what he thinks of his former party.
Let’s be clear: Without Joe Biden and his team, we’d be looking at empty shelves for weeks. Biden got it done.
Some on the left are giving The Gipper a break, saying he wasn’t as bad as Trump. These two historians explain why Reagan laid the groundwork for Trump.
Jimmy Ausbrooks is running for Congress in CD 1, facing Jamie Comer. It’s a long-shot campaign, but Ausbrooks is already a winner.
Myths abound, from Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster to Unicorns and the Easter Bunny. But there’s one myth that’s in a class all by itself: the whopper that Donald Trump is pro-union.
This year’s Labor Day Parade in Paducah had 38 entries, and went off without a hitch. Berry Craig was there to cover it.
Labor Day 2022 is a lot like Labor Day 1932, with unions growing and businesses pushing back. And like then, unions are growing anyway.
Sen. Rand Paul probably didn’t expect protesters when he stopped in Republican Red Bardwell, almost as far west as Kentucky goes. But he got them.
“Sometimes you’ve got to laugh to keep from crying,” my grandmother used to say. This book had Berry Craig laughing out loud in the bookstore – until it didn’t.
“Corporate Libertarianism, where we allow a libertarian system for the corporate elites while forcing a police state for the working class.”