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Covidiocy update: Rand again, of course

The covidiot pack in Congress includes Congressman Louie Gohmert and Sen. Marsha Blackburn. But the top dog in the covidiot pack is our own Senator Rand Paul, as he proved in his latest set-to with Dr. Fauci. (It didn’t go well for Rand.)

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Caricature of Senatore Rand Paul
Caricature by DonkeyHotey

Pundit-Professor Tom Nichols aptly characterized Congressman Louie Gohmert, R-Tex., and Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.,  as “people who create an electrostatic field of stupidity around themselves when they speak.”

Gohmert and Blackburn bay with the big dogs in the covidiot pack. Nichols’ description of the duncy duo fits the leader of the pack even better.

The top dog is Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.

In yet another Senate hearing, Paul tangled with Dr. Anthony Fauci. Again, the doc demolished the senator, exposing anew Paul’s chronic covidiocy.

— Click here to view a video of the exchange.

— Click here to read an Associated Press story.

You’d think by now Paul would know better than to go after Fauci. Peevish Paul is 0-for-forever against Uncle Sam’s top infectious disease doctor.

Every time they square off, Fauci sticks to the facts. Kentucky’s junior senator comes off as a classless, clueless clown.

But this last time, Fauci “stomped a mudhole in his you-know-what and stomped it dry again,” as we say in Kentucky. (Okay, we use another word for “you-know-what.”)

Paul is running for what he probably figures will be an easy threepeat next year.

So far, it looks like former state representative Charles Booker of Louisville will be the Democrat challenging Paul. (The filing deadline for party primaries isn’t until January.)

It seems few folks beyond Team Booker – some Democrats among them – believe Booker can unseat Paul, an avid Born-Again Trumper. Kentucky’s still a top Trump state.

But Booker’s chances might improve if Paul keeps on embarrassing himself – and Kentucky – by continuing to radiate “an electrostatic field of stupidity” when he opens his yap.

Whatever else voters might make of Booker’s unabashedly liberal politics, he’s acting like the grownup in the room. Who was it who tweeted, “Truly weird Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky reminds me of a spoiled brat without a properly functioning brain”?

Oh, yeah, that was 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald J. Trump.

Paul, it will be recalled, ran for the nod, too. After the first candidate debate, Paul bragged on his performance: “What do you do to a bully?” he asked rhetorically. “You stand up to him. That’s what I did on the debate stage, and I was the only one.”

When Trump won the nomination, Paul eagerly bought a ticket in the first class car on the Trump train. He twice voted for him for president, supported most Trump-backed bills, and twice voted against turning him out of office.

Paul never missed a chance to ingratiate himself with the “bully.” He genuflected to Dear Leader with a fawning – yawning might be more like it – speech at last year’s 2020 virtual Republican National Convention.

“Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself,” Napoleon supposedly said. Even if he didn’t say it, Booker – or any other Democrat – would do well to heed that admonition on the campaign trail.


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Berry Craig

Berry Craig is a professor emeritus of history at West KY Community College, and an author of seven books and co-author of two more. (Read the rest on the Contributors page.)

Arlington, KY



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