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Election Central: Home

The home page for Election Central, a resource for the 2022 election with communication channels, campaign finance numbers, and more.

Photo by Fred Moon / Unsplash

Welcome! This is the launch page for one of our most popular resources, Election Central. Here you can find links to all the sections of EC, along with descriptions of each section. Note that the first section listed below is publicly available, while the other sections can only be accessed by paying members of the site. If you are already a member at the Patron or Partner level, be sure you are logged in before trying to follow one of the links below.

A few notes about using the site:

  • All the tables are sortable by clicking on a column header. To put the sort back as published, just refresh the page, or sort by the index column.
  • We only included KYGA races that are not already decided.
  • Incumbents are in bold in the color of their party.

And finally, if you see something incorrect, or have a suggestion on how we could make Election Central better, just drop us a line and we’ll get back to you quickly.

We hope you find this resource useful. If you do, tell your friends!

Election Central pages

All Election 2024 stories

A page with all stories on the site tagged Election 2024. (go)

KYGA Races w/ Beshear Margins

This page shows all the legislative races that are not already decided due to no opposition. It also shows Governor Beshear’s margins in each district from the 2023 election. It’s a good place to start to see how the races stand. (go)

Campaign Finances

Here are the campaign finance numbers for all the KYGA races for this fall, from the latest filed reports. The numbers come from the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance. (go)

Comm Channels

Here are the web site and social media channels for each candidate in a competitive race (primary or general). Not all candidates have all channels; some use their Facebook page as their web site, for example. (go)


A page of resources, including the Election Night Flip Sheet where you can track how many seats flipped, and what the resulting makeup of the legislature will be. (go)
