As we all know, five of our seats in the U.S. House are held by Republicans, and one is held by a Democrat. And as far as we can, all six incumbents are pretty safe in terms of this year’s election.
One of the main ways they all seem to be safe is their overwhelming advantage in fund-raising. With the Q1 numbers reported, those advantages appear to be in place, with a few exceptions.

Some notes about the numbers
- In the 5th district, Dana Edwards’s numbers are striking, until you realize two things:
- Much of Edwards’s money is from a personal loan he made to his campaign.
- His cash-on-hand is a disaster with the primary just weeks away.
- In the 1st district, Erin Marshall has generated lots of excitement. And, it’s interesting that almost all of her money raised so far is from smaller donations. However, you can see that if she is going to really challenge Jamie Comer, she’s got to raise substantial sums between now and the fall. She doesn’t have a primary, which is good. But neither does Comer, and he is way ahead in terms of money. Excitement is great; excitement with money is even better.
It will be interesting to see how these numbers change over the next three months.