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If your county voted heavily for Trump, you're probably not vaccinated.

3 min read

We all know that wearing masks became a partisan divide during the pandemic, with right-wingers refusing to wear masks, and QAnon folks swearing that the masks were part of a conspiracy. The more fiercely Trumpian a county, the less likely you would see masks in general use.

And now, Kentuckians are doing the same thing with getting vaccinated.

I pulled the latest vaccination numbers by county from the New York Times web site, and saw that while the overall state is at 40% vaccinated, many, many counties are under that number. (The average gets pulled up by the higher vaccination rates in the more populous counties.)

Then, I pulled the Trump vote percentage in the 2020 election, by county, from Politico.

Finally, I put them all into a table, and checked the correlation coefficient. There was a negative correlation of -0.689, which is relatively strong. (A negative correlation means that the more likely you are to vote for Trump, the less likely you are to get vaccinated.)

And, just for fun, I created a chart as well, and added a trendline. It’s pretty clear.

Trump’s failed leadership in the pandemic, including his unwillingness to put in place a national mask mandate, not only caused tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths due to COVID. It continues to affect his followers in multiple negative ways – and refusing to get a vaccine is one of those ongoing negative impacts.

For years, I heard how Republicans were the “adults in the room.” It seems apparent that the adults are the ones getting vaccinated … and Republicans aren’t among them.


The Data



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Bruce Maples

Bruce Maples has been involved in politics and activism since 2004, when he became active in the Kerry Kentucky movement. (Read the rest of his bio on the Bruce Maples Bio page in the bottom nav bar.)

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