Latest from ForwardKY – how to get the General Assembly info (hint: it’s a sale) Skip to content

Latest from ForwardKY – how to get the General Assembly info (hint: it’s a sale)

A couple of important updates for ForwardKY members – including a sale, a new FREE bumper sticker, and all the stories for the week.

7 min read

Notes from Bruce

Hello! Hope your weekend has been good, and your holiday preparations are coming along.

First, the sale

And believe it or not, it’s also time to prepare for another annual event – the meeting of the General Assembly in just four weeks. To help you get ready, we’re having a “Ready for ‘23” sale. Here’s the scoop

  • If you are on the free Friend level, you can move up to the Patron level for just $3 a month for the next four months. You'll get access to the Bill Tracker where we track all the bills as they move through the legislature, as well as access to the Legislator Scoreboard and our custom Visual Bill Tracker.
  • And if you are already on the Patron level, you can move up to Partner for just $6 a month for the next four months. That gets you your own custom bill sheet, so you can track just the bills you care about. AND, a big deal – you get the daily KYGA Update, where I lay out everything that happened the day before. (Yeah, it's a Big Deal newsletter.)

To learn more about this sale, just go to this page. But do it soon; the sale ends in about three weeks!

The new bumper sticker – free to first 25 who ask

Bumper sticker
The new bumper sticker

The company that has made our bumper stickers in the past was having a sale, so I decided to design a new bumper sticker. (That's it to the right.)

Unlike some of our past stickers, though, this one is FREE. As in, no cost at all. Like, really and truly free.

I will mail it to the first 25 people who ask for one, AND who will make sure it gets displayed on their car or somewhere else it can be seen.

So, if you want one, email me at, tell me your mailing address, and I'll put it in the mail to you on the same day.


That’s all the Notes from Bruce for this week. Thanks for reading, and thanks for being a member of ForwardKY. You keep reading and sharing the stories, and we’ll keep writing them!


Story lists

Most-viewed post this week

Did the KY House continue to trend red – or only appear to?
Is Kentucky really trending red, or did redistricting make it look worse than it really is? Dr. Trent Garrison does a deep analysis.

Media this week

Robert Kahne Redux! – on mayoral and judicial races
It’s a Robert Kahne Redux Show! We’ve got Robert on for a second episode to talk about the mayor’s races in Louisville and Lexington, as well as the various judicial elections across the state. Dig in for more insights from Robert!
Jewish women’s abortion case – plus introducing Pam Stevenson for AG and Alan Keck for Governor
This week Robert and Jazmin interviewed Lisa Sobel, one of three Jewish women suing the state over abortion laws using a case based on Kentucky’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
See ya later, Dr. Senator – plus, ally work, and writer Teri Carter
The Colonels weigh in on Sen. Alvarado leaving the Senate, what it means to be an LGBTQ ally – and then talk with writer Teri Carter.

Stories this week

Republicans poised to cut Kentucky income tax again based on revenue boom that could be fleeting
Kentucky Repubs are using current budget surpluses to pay for tax cuts. Is it a pro-growth strategy, or a budget time bomb for schools and services?
Mental health, gun prevalence are top concerns for Kentucky children
Kids across Kentucky are telling us what they need. Are we listening?
Kentucky Democratic Party appeals redistricting opinion
The KDP is appealing the decision of a lower court that allowed the Republican gerrymandering.
Wednesday News & Notes
Don’t have time to keep up with politics? Read our News & Notes! Excerpts from stories, with links to the originals if you want to learn more.
Senate passes bill protecting interracial and gay marriages. McConnell and Paul vote against it.
The United States Senate today passed the Respect for Marriage Act, a bill designed to put into Federal law certain protections for gay and interracial marriages.
Senate passes bill protecting interracial and gay marriages. McConnell and Paul vote against it.
The United States Senate today passed the Respect for Marriage Act, a bill designed to put into Federal law certain protections for gay and interracial marriages.
Shell files for Ag Commissioner
Jonathan Shell announces for Ag Commissioner, issues press release.
Who’s running in 2023, and how much have they raised?
Guess what – just 5 weeks till the deadline to file for the 2023 election for statewide offices! Who’s in, and how much have they raised? Here’s the list as of today.
Trump 2024, Part 2
I’m predicting that Donald J. Trump — unless he’s dead or in the slammer — will be the 2024 Republican nominee for president.
Pompeo the pathetic pander bear
Who’s the most dangerous person in the world? According to Mike Pompeo, it’s not Xi or Kim or Putin; it is the leader of a teacher’s union.
What comes after Walmart?
Woolworth’s. K-Mart. TG&Y. All companies that once were household names; all now gone. Will Walmart go the same way?
The Griffin-Cawthorn effect on Trump’s run for president
The Griffin-Cawthorn Effect should disqualify Trump from running for president again. What is the Griffin-Cawthorn Effect? Read on to learn more.
Christian Nationalism is neither
The oxymoron that is “Christian Nationalism” is neither Christian nor patriotic. Ivonne Rovira explains why not.
Democratic election success: A conservative cautionary tale
What lessons do Democrats need to take from their successes in the midterms?
Alvarado to leave KY Senate to be TN Health Commissioner
Senator Ralph Alvarado announced last Wednesday that he would be resigning his seat in the Kentucky Senate to take on a new role as the Health Commissioner for the state of Tennessee.
There are now twelve (12!) Repubs running for governor 😳
Alan Keck, mayor of Somerset, has entered the race for governor of Kentucky, making him the 12th Republican in the race.
SNAP is vital tool for fighting hunger that should be strengthened, not attacked
SNAP is one of the most important and successful programs we have for fighting hunger. Yet, our legislature cut it earlier this year. It’s time to strengthen SNAP, not cut it.
Why is the Right using ‘natural marriage’ as their new slogan?
Have you heard the term “natural marriage”? Guess what – it’s a new term for an old prejudice.

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Bruce Maples

Bruce Maples has been involved in politics and activism since 2004, when he became active in the Kerry Kentucky movement. (Read the rest of his bio on the Bruce Maples Bio page in the bottom nav bar.)

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