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New Dem org forms to do local party training

KDA’s tagline: “Building the party from the ground up”

1 min read

A new Democratic organization has formed to help Democrats rebuild the party at the grassroots level.

The Kentucky Democratic Auxiliary is a statewide all-volunteer organization founded by two long-time Kentucky activists, Anna Whites and Bruce Maples. Their goal is to help county Democratic parties do their work more effectively, thus “growing the party from the ground up.”

The group already has some training available online at their web site, and is about to hold their first in-person training in Ashland on Saturday, May 13. That class is for leaders of local parties, and is entitled “Building a Bench and Raising Money.” It will run from 1 to 5 PM at the Steelworkers Building on Paul Coffey Boulevard, and like all KDA training, is free to attendees. Members of the media are welcome to attend as well.

KDA is not directly affiliated with the Kentucky Democratic Party. “We saw that KDP is really focused on this year’s state-wide elections, which of course they should be,” said Maples, the KDA chair. “But we became concerned because the filing deadline for 2024 is just weeks after this year’s election, and it’s critical for county parties to spend the rest of 2023 getting organized, raising money, and recruiting candidates for next year, so that when January of ’24 comes they are primed and ready to hit the ground running.”

“We have a roster of experts across the state who are ready to step up and deliver training,” said Whites, the KDA legal counsel. “These are people who have done this work for years and are ready to put their experience to work helping elect more Democrats.”

Look for big things across the Commonwealth as voters and county parties are empowered through the work of the Kentucky Democratic Auxiliary. For more information, or to sign up for the KDA mailing list, go to and click on the “Contact Us” menu choice.


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Bruce Maples

Bruce Maples has been involved in politics and activism since 2004, when he became active in the Kerry Kentucky movement. (Read the rest of his bio on the Bruce Maples Bio page in the bottom nav bar.)

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