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Oh looky – Comer’s using his “investigation” to get a book deal

I’ve already placed my pre-publication order.

1 min read

As noted by a story on Axios, there is a page on the Harper-Collins web site (reproduced above) that purports to show an upcoming book by our own Jamie Gomer Comer, who appears to be using his so-called leadership of the “Biden crime family” to get himself a book deal.

And even after Axios reached out to Comer’s office about the book, and got a pretty strong denial (“no book is imminent and there is no book deal”), the page is still available on the Harper-Collins web site.

According to one source, the book is scheduled for release on September 10th. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that the book is coming out just in time to try to affect the 2024 presidential election.

Considering how well Comer’s investigation has been going (can you say “dud”? I knew you could), I’m surprised that he wants to write a book about it. In fact, if I were him, I’d try to get people to forget it ever existed, or that my name was attached to it.

And also, considering that Comer has an opponent this fall that is stirring up the faithful and promises to bring the fight right to his (Frankfort) doorstep, I’m surprised that he wants to take the time to write a book.

Of course, he could hire a ghostwriter off of Reedsy. Some of those writers say they can make your story into a real page-turner.

I suspect, though, that when they get the basic plot from Jamie Comer, they will back away, slowly, and exercise their contract’s escape clause.

C’mon, Representative Comer, show us whacha got! Put that ag BS degree to work. Write that book, then go on a time-consuming book tour – that lasts all the way to November 6th.



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Bruce Maples

Bruce Maples has been involved in politics and activism since 2004, when he became active in the Kerry Kentucky movement. (Read the rest of his bio on the Bruce Maples Bio page in the bottom nav bar.)

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