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Pre-Existing Conditions in KY: The Pain by Congressional District

1 min read

In their various health plans, Republicans want to roll back protections for people with pre-existing conditions. A study by the Center for American Progress shows us how many people would be harmed by this policy in each of our six Congressional districts.

As explained by CAP:

Republicans are now discussing a provision that is effectively a sick tax on premiums: People with health conditions would be charged multiples more based on their medical history, paying above-standard rates for coverage. Even if the new plan preserved the ACA’s rules on guaranteed issue—meaning that issuers cannot deny coverage—consumers with pre-existing conditions could still be priced out of the market.

About 50% of Americans have some sort of pre-existing condition, including as many as 1 in 4 children. And of course, the percentages go up as people get older, hitting 84% of those 55 to 64. Most of the plans put forward by Republicans would let insurers put those people into high-risk, high-premium pools, instead of spreading the risk over the larger pool of all insureds.

From the CAP study, here are the numbers of people with pre-existing conditions in each of our state’s Congressional districts. The next time you speak with, or write to, your Congress-person, ask them if they think this many people need to be financially punished for having a pre-existing condition:

District Children Total
James Comer (KY-1) 38,600 280,100
Brett Guthrie (KY-2) 41,600 304,500
John A. Yarmuth (KY-3) 39,500 309,700
Thomas Massie (KY-4) 43,200 313,400
Harold Rogers (KY-5) 37,500 272,500
Andy Barr (KY-6) 40,000 315,300


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