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Separating "The Work" from the Publisher

1 min read

Both my grandfathers were Baptist preachers. One was in charge of starting new churches in Missouri, Kansas, and Iowa, and he had an interesting turn of phrase he would use. He never asked a pastor “how is your church doing?” Instead, he always said “how’s the work?”

I like that. It’s not “your work,” it is “The Work.” Separating the leader from the work is a good practice, and one that indicates growth.

Here at Forward Kentucky, we’re moving forward on separating me from The Work.

For one thing, we have added more writers. You can see them on the Contributors page under the About menu at the top. We’ve still got the group that helped get the work off the ground, but in addition we’ve got some new voices and interests. I’m excited to see what each is going to bring to the table.

And, this may seem like a small thing, but we have added a new Twitter account for me as the publisher (@BruceFwKY) that is separate from the “official” account (@ForwardKY). I am trying to get everyone who follows @ForwardKY to also follow me, but so far it hasn’t happened. 🙂

Over the next few months, you’ll see more evidence of the growing maturity of the site and The Work. Watch for them, and feel free to comment on them when you see them.

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