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Six takeaways from new report highlighting Comer’s 8 months of failed investigations

The Congressional Integrity Project has been excoriating Jamie Comer for months over his efforts to smear the Bidens. Now the Dems on the Oversight Committee have released their own report on Comer’s actions.

3 min read

Via press release from the Congressional Integrity Project

Earlier today, Democrats on the House Oversight Committee released a new report outlining the Republicans’ eight months of failed investigations. The report is more coherent than anything Republicans on the committee have put out over the last eight months, with far more evidence of Comer’s failures than what has been turned up by Comer’s investigations. The truth is, eight months of political grandstanding has turned up not a shred of evidence that President Biden committed any wrongdoing whatsoever. As it seems more and more likely that Kevin McCarthy will bow to the de facto Speaker of the House Marjorie Taylor Greene and hold a vote on opening an impeachment inquiry, any impeachment movement towards President Biden will be built on absolutely nothing.

Everyone should read the report themselves, which is comprehensive and based in fact. Below are our six takeaways: 

After digging through tens of thousands of bank records & suspicious activity reports and hours of witness testimony, House Republicans have found no evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden.

“As part of this investigation, Committee Republicans have received over 12,000 pages of subpoenaed bank records, reviewed over 2,000 pages of suspicious activity reports, and spent hours interviewing witnesses, including two former business associates of Hunter Biden.”

The Biden-Harris administration has accommodated Chairman Comer’s requests every step of the way.

“The Biden-Harris Administration has bent over backwards to accommodate Republicans’ often ridiculous and transparently political demands.” In fact, this false narrative has been contradicted by Chairman Comer’s own statements touting the vigor and comprehensiveness of his investigation: “Every subpoena that I have signed, as Chairman of the House Oversight Committee over the last five months, we have gotten 100% of what we requested, whether it’s with the FBI or with the banks or with Treasury.”

Trump and his allies are “regularly apprised” of Comer’s committee work and “exert influence over it.”

“Independent reporting has confirmed that, ‘Not only are Trump, his aides and close allies regularly apprised of Republicans’ committee work, they also at times exert influence over it.’ This is a ‘familiar playbook’ for House Republicans, ‘who have been quick to try to use their congressional majority — which includes the ability to launch investigations, issue subpoenas, and restrict funding — to defend the former president and offer up some counter programming amid his mounting legal battles.’”

The Republicans’ probe is a transparent effort to weaponize Congress to do Trump’s bidding.

“It is clear that Republicans’ unfounded investigation and baseless impeachment effort amounts to nothing more than using taxpayer dollars to help reelect Donald Trump, who, over a year and a half ago, was already demanding that House Republicans investigate President Biden and help him ‘kick the Biden crime family out of the White House in 2024.’ Former President Trump has recently made his demands more explicit, threatening Republican House Members who refuse to impeach President Biden with retaliation at the polls, ‘Impeach the bum or fade into oblivion. They did it to us.’”

Comer has remained silent about the Trump family’s corrupt foreign business dealings – even though he said he would investigate.

“On CNN, Chairman Comer said that he would investigate ‘Trump and some of his family members including Jared Kushner, and later acknowledged the billions of dollars Jared Kushner received from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf monarchies — including a $2 billion investment by a Saudi sovereign wealth fund only months after leaving the White House — ‘crossed the line of ethics.’ Chairman Comer even conceded, ‘I don’t disagree with the Democrats and their criticism of the previous administration.’ Yet, despite his professed concerns about presidential corruption, instead of investigating President Trump and his Administration, including the 500 LLCs that President Trump refused to divest from and used to receive millions of dollars from foreign governments while President, Chairman Comer has allowed Donald Trump’s attorneys to speak on behalf of the Committee to block the production of financial documents related to those very foreign payments.”

Comer has been spreading disproven conspiracy theories disseminated by Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani.

“Unfazed by this overwhelming evidence of the truth, Chairman Comer has simply been urging America to drink from the badly contaminated well of conspiracy theories poisoned by Giuliani, Trump, and foreign agents advancing the interests of the Kremlin and the Chinese Communist Party. And just as President Trump has demanded, Chairman Comer has then used those conspiracy theories as ‘evidence’ in his probe and as a basis to threaten to withhold funding for Ukraine’s defense against the Russian invasion, even shockingly going so far as to call Ukraine an ‘adversary of the United States.’”



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